About Us

EFT International School

EFT International School was set up in 2015 to promote Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) approach in the UK and around the world.

We work with leading EFT academics and practitioners, bringing the best names in the field to share their exquisite knowledge, passion and expertise with EFT Newcomers and EFT-trained clinicians on various practical and theoretical topics.

We offer EFT training, events, conferences, and what has been called a ‘highlight of the year‘ event, our annual EFT International Summer School in June/July each year

  • EFT Annual Summer School
  • EFT Training Events
  • EFT Conferences

John Douglas Award.

Gulya Diyarova, Director and Organising Committee of the EFT International School was a proud recipient of ICEEFT’s 2017 John Douglas Award.
The John Douglas Award honours an individual who has gone above and beyond expectations in their efforts to ​advance EFT and support ICEEFT and its initiatives.

Our Happy Participants