NEW Season 10 Intake – via Zoom!

Monthly EFT Supervision Groups in London

Led by Gulya Diyarova, ICEEFT Certified EFT therapist and supervisor, director of EFT International School

October 2023 to June/July 2024
*** EFT-Newcomers Group (Friday 10am-12.00) – 2 PLACES ***

Dates: 20th Oct, 17th Nov, 15th Dec, 19th Jan 2024, 16th Feb, 22nd Mar, 19th Apr, 17th May, 14th June, 26th July

*** EFT-Trained Group (Friday 10am-12.00) – 1 PLACE ***

Dates: 13th Oct, 10th Nov, 8th Dec, 12th Jan 2024, 9th Feb, 15th Mar, 12th Apr, 10th May, 7th June, 19th July

To register please, click here (payment details in Registration form)

Please, NOTE: to preserve confidentiality and to ensure safety in the groups, commitment to the whole series is required. One date can be missed with no charge. Groups can be swapped if unable to make some dates.

Who can participate?

  • EFT-Trained group – for repeat participants of earlier Seasons AND those who have completed the Externship plus Core Skills 1/2 and above:
  • Those who completed the Externship Only, and/or are planning to pursue further advanced EFT training:
  • EFT-Newcomers group – Pre-Externship EFT Summer Schools participants are welcome, if you have completed Introductory EFT Overview workshops and read ‘Attachment Theory in Practice’ by Sue Johnson, 2019.

Groups are especially useful for those working towards EFT Certification with special attention
paid to relevant issues arising around the process.

Commitment to the whole series is required

(7/8 monthly sessions) to preserve consistency and continuity of learning the model.

What will you be getting?
  • A steady and substantial focus on EFT process, skills and interventions in an atmosphere of a safe and collegial/supervisory support
  • Attention paid to the following (flexible structure of the meetings): Dilemmas and stuck places, any EFT ‘ah-ha’ moments, with some didactic material in step-by-step approach (as the model itself unfolds in therapy). Review of the participants’ case material (audio/video presentation) focusing on what worked, or maybe didn’t, interventions used and a rationale behind them, what other entry points might be there, helping with ‘tough’ places and support around where to take it further; Role play on the basis of clients’ material or dilemmas
  • In-session use of DVD clips of Sue Johnson’s, Gail Palmer’s, Rebecca Jorgensen’s couple sessions with subsequent discussion.
  • Relevant articles, useful forms, presentations relevant to the topics under discussion.
  • Exploration of a clinician’s use of self and how it is impacting the process.

£45 for 2 hour session per person.


Every care will be taken to preserve the confidentiality of clients.

  • Attending therapists are expected to belong to recognised professional bodies (eg, BACP, UKCP, COSRT, etc) and are bound by Code of Ethics to keep confidential any clients’ information in the videos.
  • · Therapists will be given notice to leave the room and not participate in a session if they think they may know the clients in videos.
  • Participating therapists recognise and accept that no clients’ material can be shown outside these sessions and no copies can be made, audio or video.

Dates and Times

Newcomers Group (NC): for past participants of EFT Summer Schools, EFT-Newcomers cohort, and/or for those who completed Externship only, and want to dive into EFT deeper and learn more.

Essential reading: “Attachment Theory in Practice”, “Creating Connections. Practice of EFT”, and/or “Hold Me Tight” by Sue Johnson.

Friday 10am-12.00 – 20th Oct, 17th Nov, 15th Dec, 19th Jan 2024, 16th Feb, 22nd Mar, 19th Apr, 17th May, 14th June, 26th July.

(* Please, Note some dates may change, depending on the international training schedule not finalised yet).

EFT-Trained Group – for repeat participants of earlier Seasons Supervision groups AND those who completed Externship plus Core Skills

Friday 10am-12.00 – 13th Oct, 10th Nov, 8th Dec, 12th Jan 2024, 9th Feb, 15th Mar, 12th Apr, 10th May, 7th June, 19th July

Especially useful for those on their route to EFT Certification, as relevant aspects will be consistently attended to.

(* Please, Note some dates may change, depending on the international training schedule not finalised yet)

Our Happy Participants


We normally take a decision as to whether we have sufficient numbers to run an event six weeks prior to the event.

If you are having to travel to London, we suggest that you bear this in mind when making your travel and accommodation arrangements as we cannot be held liable for any costs incurred if we have to cancel an event.

​Please take care of your personal safety and your belongings while at our training events. We are not responsible for any accident or personal injury that occurs during our training events or items that are lost or stolen during our courses and workshops.

EFT International School reserves the right to amend, change or cancel workshops or trainers at its own discretion due to circumstances beyond our control.