Brand New Season 7 intake – via Zoom!

EFT Movie Club & Skills Lab

Led by Gulya Diyarova, ICEEFT Certified EFT therapist and supervisor, EFT International School director

Couples in Crisis series
22nd March, 12.30-2.30pm (LONDON time – check your local time here)
Real couple session – working in EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) with couples where one or both partners have ADHD

From past participants feedback: “Incredibly intuned…moving…total immersion in an emotional flow of experience…”!

Having ADHD can present many challenges to everyday life. People with ADHD can be incredibly successful when they are able to work with their symptoms and harness the unique aspects of having ADHD. Emotionally Focused Therapy is an incredibly effective model that can help someone with ADHD learn how to slow down, how to control the speed of life and distraction and learn how to relax when they need it most.

Live/unedited couple sessions, trainers/therapists are present and available for comments/Qs, in-session process analysis.

Cost: £50 per each 2-hour session per participant
Work like a Pro along with wonderful EFT Trainers and learn tons from masters!

What will we be doing at EFT Movie Club & Skills Lab?

As EFT is first and foremost an Experiential model, from experience and feedback, we use “TELL, SHOW, DO” way of learning.

Working in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with couples with ADHD

Having ADHD can present many challenges to everyday life. As a therapist, we are also not immune to the impact of ADHD as some psychotherapists may also suffer from ADHD. Those who have ADHD can be incredibly successful when they are able to work with their symptoms and harness the unique aspects of having ADHD. Emotionally Focused Therapy is an incredibly effective model that can help someone with ADHD learn how to slow down, how to control the speed of life and distraction and learn how to relax when they need it most. Join us with our special guest, Alexine Thompson, Certified EFT Trainer in Switzerland, showing and discussing a real session on how to use EFT in healing couples with ADHD.
Alexine Thompson De-Benoit is an ICEEFT certified EFT supervisor and trainer, clinical psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist in Switzerland. As an EFT trainer, Alexine has a passionate interest in ADHD and has been learning to identify and treat relationships affected by this disorder for several years. By following the proven EFT approach, she helps these couples to develop compassion for each other and to understand that they are both sufferers of this diagnosis.

We’ll watch together EFT Experts conducting their Live sessions:
  • – observing and noticing interventions,
  • – “unpacking” finer moments of their interaction with couples,
  • – pausing at frequent intervals to discuss and reflect,
  • – see how it resonates with us, where it “lands” within,
  • – what emotional ‘handles’ you notice and can use in the ‘here and now’ of the session,
  • – what would you have done differently if you had the couple in your consulting room,
  • – try interventions BEFORE an EFT trainer does,
  • – where would you go next?
  • – what it evokes inside and how we might respond in our “Self-of the-Therapist awareness.
Along the way in the ‘hear-and-now’ of the sessions:
  • – Safety First – In Escalation and constantly at every moment of the session
  • – Reactivity – Contain, Challenge and Control, learn how to put it to good use in the session
  • – Cycle – Recognising it in the Session, Tracking, Focusing, Validating, Reflecting, Summarising, Giving it back to the couple
  • – Emotions – Cues, Entry points into experience, Reflect, Validate, Deepen, Enact
  • – Enactments – different types of Enactments, 3Bs (Blocks/Balks and Bullets)
  • – Tango – Tango moves, differences Stage 1/Stage 2
Your comments, reflections, and your feedback will be most encouraged and welcome!

Dates & Times

Friday (Note LONDON time)
22nd March, 12.30-2.30pm

* Cost

£50 per each 2-hour session per participant
Payments in full Or separately for each session at least two days prior to the date

* Place – from wherever you are via ZOOM

Selected training videos of Live sessions with:

Sue Johnson, Lorrie, Brubacher, Marlene Best, Gail Palmer, Brent Bradley, Rebecca Jorgensen, Scott Woolley will be shown, starting from Stage 1 and following deeper into the model.

Your comments, reflections, and questions will be encouraged and most welcome!

To secure your place send your Application Form to along with
your payment (payment details on the form).
Application Form (In Word format; fill in, save and then e-mail as attachment):

Booking Form

Who can participate?

The Course is open to therapists including students, who want to grasp, learn and master, or brush up on, the HOWs and WHYs of this great model in the company of like-minded and supportive fellow EFTers – who want to see master clinicians applying the model in various clinical situations.

Those with no formal EFT training yet, but really EFT-inspired, who have done at least an Introductory EFT workshop, attended EFT Summer Schools, and intend to undertake EFT training.

Essential pre-requisite reading for this subgroup – “Creating Connections – the Practice of EFCT” and “Becoming an Emotionally Focused CouplesTherapist. Workbook” by Sue Johnson.

Those who have started or completed formal ICEEFT EFT Training and want to access more videos of clinical examples of using EFT interventions,
Experienced and/or Certified EFT therapists who want to boost and/or ‘polish’ the skills that took or are taking you to certification.

Limited to a group of 10 therapists when F2F – Unlimited when on Zoon – to ensure close attention to the material, comfortable Role Play, and safe Self-of the-Therapist reflections.

Commitment to the whole series is required

(when F2F) to preserve consistency and flow of learning the model.

Every care will be taken to preserve the confidentiality of clients.

– Attending therapists are expected to belong to recognised professional bodies (eg, BACP, UKCP, COSRT, etc) and are bound by Code of Ethics to keep confidential any clients’ information in the videos.
– Therapists will be given notice to leave the room and not participate in a session if they think they may know the clients in videos.
– Participating therapists recognise and accept that no clients’ material can be shown outside these sessions and no copies can be made.


We normally take a decision as to whether we have sufficient numbers to run an event six weeks prior to the event.

If you are having to travel to London, we suggest that you bear this in mind when making your travel and accommodation arrangements as we cannot be held liable for any costs incurred if we have to cancel an event..

​Please take care of your personal safety and your belongings while at our training events. We are not responsible for any accident or personal injury that occurs during our training events or items that are lost or stolen during our courses and workshops.

EFT International School reserves the right to amend, change or cancel workshops or trainers at its own discretion due to circumstances beyond our control.