Friday (Note LONDON time)
22nd March, 12.30-2.30pm
* Cost
£50 per each 2-hour session per participant
Payments in full Or separately for each session at least two days prior to the date
Led by Gulya Diyarova, ICEEFT Certified EFT therapist and supervisor, EFT International School director
From past participants feedback: “Incredibly intuned…moving…total immersion in an emotional flow of experience…”!
How would it be to work on an attachment injury without knowing what the injury actually is? Watch in awe the incredible power of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with a gay male couple where no information given about the injury itself.
We are often reminded that we need to prioritise working with the process over working with the content, so how would it be to work on an attachment injury without knowing what the injury actually is? In this session, which was a one-off live session for training, Sandra works with a gay male couple on an attachment injury but isn’t given the information about the injury itself. She works by slowing down and staying with their struggle to find what the injured partner needs to take the next steps in healing, encouraging them back into the process when they repeatedly exit, and enables them to get a crucial shift. This session shows the incredible power of EFT, the value of its structure and skills, and the beauty and importance of our flexibility and creativity in our work with couples.
Sandra Taylor is an EFT Trainer, Supervisor and Therapist based in Lancashire, England. She works in private practice online and her client work is predominantly with LGBTQ+ people ( Sandra is a co-founder/co-director of the British EFT Centre (
She regularly works with co-trainers to run EFT courses in Britain, LGBTQ+ centred EFT trainings internationally (online) and she runs EFT trainings for PSEFT online – Poland).
Some of Sandra’s intersecting identities are that she is a lesbian cis-gender white female, disabled, a widow, and Catholic. Sandra is a member of ICEEFT – International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy and is on their Education Committee, Professional Standards Committee, and Editorial Board, and is an accredited member of BACP – the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. She previously worked as Director of Relationship Counselling in a national charity, and was a Senior Lecturer providing counsellor training at the University of Cumbria after more than 10 years as an Occupational Therapist in a range of mental health settings.
Sandra is a warm, knowledgeable and engaged trainer with a passion for helping people learn EFT.
Cost: £50 per each 2-hour session per participant
Friday (Note LONDON time)
22nd March, 12.30-2.30pm
£50 per each 2-hour session per participant
Payments in full Or separately for each session at least two days prior to the date
To secure your place send your Application Form to along with
your payment (payment details on the form).
Application Form (In Word format; fill in, save and then e-mail as attachment):
The Course is open to therapists including students, who want to grasp, learn and master, or brush up on, the HOWs and WHYs of this great model in the company of like-minded and supportive fellow EFTers – who want to see master clinicians applying the model in various clinical situations.
– Those with no formal EFT training yet, but really EFT-inspired, who have done at least an Introductory EFT workshop, attended EFT Summer Schools, and intend to undertake EFT training.
Essential pre-requisite reading for this subgroup – “Creating Connections – the Practice of EFCT” and “Becoming an Emotionally Focused CouplesTherapist. Workbook” by Sue Johnson.
– Those who have started or completed formal ICEEFT EFT Training and want to access more videos of clinical examples of using EFT interventions,
– Experienced and/or Certified EFT therapists who want to boost and/or ‘polish’ the skills that took or are taking you to certification.
Limited to a group of 10 therapists when F2F – Unlimited when on Zoon – to ensure close attention to the material, comfortable Role Play, and safe Self-of the-Therapist reflections.
Every care will be taken to preserve the confidentiality of clients.
– Attending therapists are expected to belong to recognised professional bodies (eg, BACP, UKCP, COSRT, etc) and are bound by Code of Ethics to keep confidential any clients’ information in the videos.
– Therapists will be given notice to leave the room and not participate in a session if they think they may know the clients in videos.
– Participating therapists recognise and accept that no clients’ material can be shown outside these sessions and no copies can be made.
If you are having to travel to London, we suggest that you bear this in mind when making your travel and accommodation arrangements as we cannot be held liable for any costs incurred if we have to cancel an event..
Please take care of your personal safety and your belongings while at our training events. We are not responsible for any accident or personal injury that occurs during our training events or items that are lost or stolen during our courses and workshops.
EFT International School reserves the right to amend, change or cancel workshops or trainers at its own discretion due to circumstances beyond our control.