Times (Note LONDON time): 10am-5pm /5.30pm on the 30th June, via ZOOM
(To check the time in your timezone click here)
(To check the time in your timezone click here)
We normally take a decision as to whether we have sufficient numbers to run an event Six Weeks prior to the event.
If you are having to travel to London, we suggest that you bear this in mind when making your travel and accommodation arrangements as we cannot be held liable for any costs incurred if we have to cancel an event.
Please take care of your personal safety and your belongings while at our training events. We are not responsible for any accident or personal injury that occurs during our training events or items that are lost or stolen during our courses and workshops.
EFT International School reserves the right to amend, change or cancel workshops or trainers at its own discretion due to circumstances beyond our control.